4 Months to 2 Years

Learning all necessary fundamentals from a young age

These are the times in your child’s life where he/she will develop the most skills in the shortest period of time. At Jelly Babies, our core focus is the appropriate development of your baby. Most importantly, we provide plenty of attention and care. We do a range of activities with the little ones.

Our carers read stories, sing songs, provide baby yoga and assist the children in learning to sit, crawl and then to walk. We develop their fine motor skills through texture play and specially designed activity boards.

Below are our 14 fundamental areas of development, which we keep in mind when doing our daily planning. There are a range of activities that fall under each of the below 14 fundamentals:

Intellectual Development

This refers to the ability of the brain to process information.


Curiosity refers to the enthusiasm with which children try to explore their world and their attitude as they interact with the surrounding environment.


Play refers to the process through which young children explore their environment and the typical age-appropriate way in which they interact within their surrounding world.

Concept of Self

As children develop a concept of themselves, they learn that they have a body of their own. They learn that they exist separately from others and from their environment. They become increasingly aware of their body symmetry and the position and size of their body in relation to other objects around them. They also develop a ‘body image’, which refers to the impression that they of themselves.

Sensory Development

The goal here is to maximise the brain’s ability to process information received from the 5 senses.

Emotional Development

Emotional development refers to the processing of different emotions, as well as children’s ability to motivate themselves. It also involves children’s ability to identify and deal with their own emotions and the emotions of others.

Physical Development

Physical development involves the development of the large muscles in the body, as well as balance, co-ordination and motor skills.


The development of independence involves children’s ability to do practical little things for themselves.

Manual Dexterity and Hand-Eye Co-ordination

This involves the development of control over the fine muscles in a child’s fingers. It also involves the co-ordination of the hands and eyes.

Social Development

Social development involves children’s ability to interact with other people, sustain interaction with others, be involved in close relationships and adapting to the demands and expectations of their society.

Listening Skills

This involves the ability of children’s brains to process information that has been received from the sensory receptors in their ears.

Language Comprehension

Language comprehension refers to child’s ability to connect meaning to speech sounds.

Speech Development

The ability to use vocal cords to produce sounds that convey intended meaning.


The child’s ability to convey a message to other people.