About Us

Children are the most amazing miracles. We as parents nurture them from birth, see them explore and learn and want the very best for them.

If you ask children what they want to be when they grow up, they invariably reply; “doctors, teachers and super heroes”. In reality, the jobs they are likely to do have not even been invented yet. Therefore, our aim is to teach children to think creatively, to come up with solutions for challenges, be inspired by change and not fear it and most of all to laugh and have fun.

Jelly Babies is a multi-cultural school catering for both Afrikaans and English-speaking students. We employ qualified teachers and experienced personnel. We continually invest in our infrastructure and development of our Jelly Babies family.

Jelly Babies was founded in 2011

The school has grown from a single child to currently in excess of 160 children and 2 campuses. By the same token, personnel numbers have increased from 1 to 40 fulltime employees.


Our passion is in the development of our children. We respect their individuality and we derive great encouragement from seeing them grow and achieve new milestones every day. We help them learn through play in four distinctive disciplines; physical, mental, social and emotional. We understand that there are individual differences in the speed and manner of each child’s development. At Jelly Babies, we have a unique company culture that offers care and support for one another, which in turn, teaches the children to do the same. This caring environment creates a special place for your children to grow.

Please refer to our “Learning Section” on the website to obtain a better understanding of what they learn

4 Months to 18 Months

These are the times in your child’s life where he/she will develop the most skills in the shortest period of time. At Jelly Babies, our core focus is the appropriate development of your baby. Most importantly, we provide plenty of attention and care.

2 Years to 6 Years

The Foundation phase in our opinion is the most important, as this will prepare your children for the future. It is inherent in children to play. The ever-changing world forces children to become smarter earlier, do more and be better.

Grade RR and R

In grade R and RR we follow the CAPS curriculum. We, however, add additional activities to make sure our learners learn through having fun, while still being scholastic ready by the end of Grade R for Grade 1.

In addition to education, another core focus is nutrition. All meals and snacks are provided at our facility. We give them the best start to the day with a healthy breakfast, followed by a morning snack, nutritious cooked lunch, as well as an afternoon snack. We have a chef who is passionate about cooking for children and this can be seen in the wonderfully nutritious meals that are prepared daily.